
Windows 10 New Cumulative Update KB3116900 Available Now

On the heels of last week’s update KB3116908, Microsoft today rolled out Windows 10 Cumulative Update KB3116900 and brings the build version to 10586.29.

Apple isn’t the only one rolling out updates for it OS and devices. On the heels of last week’s cumulative update KB3116908, Microsoft today rolled out Windows 10 Cumulative Update KB3116900 and brings the build version to 10586.29.

This latest update also resolves some security vulnerabilities in the OS including Microsoft Edge and IE, and includes improvements to Windows 10 functionality.

Windows 10 KB3116900

Windows 10 Cumulative Update KB3116900

As always you’ll get this latest update automatically, but if you don’t want to wait, you can grab it manually by going to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.

Here’s a look at the summary of this latest update according to the Microsoft Support Knowledgebase:

The security update for Windows 10 that is dated December 8, 2015, includes improvements in the functionality of Windows 10 Version 1511 and resolves the following vulnerabilities in Windows:

  • 3119075 MS15-135: Security update for Windows kernel mode drivers to address elevation of privilege: December 8, 2015
  • 3116130 MS15-133: Security updates for Windows RMCAST to address elevation of privilege: December 8, 2015
  • 3116162 MS15-132: Security updates for Windows to address elevation of privilege: December 8, 2015
  • 3104503 MS15-128: Security updates for Microsoft graphics component to address remote code execution: December 8, 2015
  • 3116178 MS15-126: Security updates for Microsoft VBScript and JScript to address remote code execution: December 8, 2015
  • 3116184 MS15-125: Cumulative security update for Microsoft Edge: December 8, 2015
  • 3116180 MS15-124: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer: December 8, 2015

As is usually the case with new Cumulative Updates, a restart is required and, if you have notifications enabled, you should see it pop up on your screen.

Remember, too, that you can always schedule the restart for a time that works best for you. For more on that, read our guide on how to schedule Windows 10 Update restarts.

Restart Required

After restarting, launch Run from the hidden quick access menu and type: winver and hit Enter.

You’ll find that this update brought up the build number from 10586.17 up to 10586.29.

Windows 10 Version 10586.29

After installing this latest update, let us know if you notice any improvements or problems with your system in the comments below.



  1. Rick P.

    December 8, 2015 at 6:43 pm

    Just completed update to build 10586.29 and after restart ALL of my icons are gone. Only the names of the icons are showing.The links work but just no icons. I opened the control panel and nothing but words no icons. Only the Start Menu has any icons showing.

    • Rick P.

      December 9, 2015 at 5:52 am

      Uninstalled updates and reboot. (no change)
      System Restore back 3 days ago. (working ok)
      KB3116900 downloaded and installed again. (working ok)
      Windows 10 still feels like a downgrade from win7. I know it will get better with time. I just don’t know if I can wait that long.

    • S. Elliott

      December 19, 2015 at 7:06 am

      I had the same thing happen. No icons start menu would not launch unless accessed via right click on mouse. I uninstalled the update… so far, so good.

  2. Ziggy

    December 8, 2015 at 7:29 pm

    All good, both on my laptop and pc desktop. Must say that @RickP’s problem is a curious one!

    Edge bookmarks still continue to be a pain in the proverbial so I’ll stick with Firefox.

  3. Brownboy

    December 8, 2015 at 9:22 pm

    ran winver but the terms are to:

    like twice and my email address is not shown like yours.

  4. Brian Burgess

    December 8, 2015 at 10:02 pm

    No issues with my desktop or laptop convertible.

    @Ziggy I agree with Edge. I mean, I use it of course, but it’s not my full-time browser. I can’t do it until it gets support for extensions…which is rumored to be early next year.

    • Ziggy

      December 8, 2015 at 10:32 pm

      Alleluia!! With you on this one, Brian! Though, I must say, I’ve noticed that with Edge scrolling is much smother than with Firefox.

      But (then again) it may just be that I have too many EXTENSIONS on Firefox!!

    • Joe

      December 9, 2015 at 12:47 pm

      Lack of extensions is a deal breaker. I wonder what they’re playing at? They must have some half competent programmers at ms, and Internet Explorer has extensions.. A decent programmer should be able to add extensions to Edge in a few days at most, it’s not rocket science.. it’s their job! :-)

  5. Keith Wilkinson

    December 9, 2015 at 5:50 am

    KB3116900 failed install as did KB3116908 but at least this wretched update didn’t delete the internet connection which KB3116908 had at the next restart. Nothing would make it install but it just kept coming back. A week of hell.

    KB3116900 is an improvement in that respect.

    • Joe

      December 10, 2015 at 7:59 am

      XX908 didn’t break my internet, but it broke Chrome, again. Edge was working just fine.. nice try Microsoft! I uninstalled it (XX908) and it reinstalled itself again a few hours later and everything was fine

  6. Phil

    December 9, 2015 at 8:34 am

    And still they haven’t sorted out the major issue with NAS drives not showing in explorer or being discoverable by other software such as back up drives – this rubbish is is only free because no one would buy it

  7. Jerry

    December 9, 2015 at 2:07 pm

    This is about my brother’s problem. His computer was updated during the night(last nite) and when he went to it today he was faced with a blue screen instructing him to choose a keyboard language. However, his keyboard would not work and his mouse would not work, and there were no activation options on the page! We have tried reboots, etc and cannot get past the aforementioned screen. I have contacted Windows 10 support on his behalf and given them his phone # to call.

    this is December 9, 2015::5:06 pm

    • Blake

      February 5, 2016 at 12:00 pm

      I had the exact same thing happen to a friend of mines PC back in Dec.. I’m trying to help him with it now. Did you ever find a cause/solution short of a full reformat / reinstall?

  8. Keith Wilkinson

    December 10, 2015 at 6:52 am

    Windows 10 isn’t free. Users have to give up the right to use their installed system for the Windows 10 licence. In my case that was Windows 7; the most popular operating system by far and which has worked successfully, in my case for four years.

    In return I get my internet connection removed for no apparent reason at haphazard intervals. It has just happened again and to say it is tedious just doesn’t cover it.

    I tried re-installing 7 but my licence isn’t accepted. Already in use. Windows 10.

    • Joe

      December 10, 2015 at 8:02 am

      You might need to update your network drivers. Are you sure it’s breaking your whole internet and not just your browser? Microsoft are REALLY trying to break Chrome every chance they get..

      • Keith Wilkinson

        December 10, 2015 at 8:43 am

        It is the whole internet. I actually started up to post the comment above and got the Oops page but everything was down. I use Edge. It has happened so many times I don’t bother investigating too much. Went back to a restore point made this morning immediately after startup when I new the net was working. Did a backup immediately after the restore point.

        I could guess the cause; This morning I started system cleanup just to look at the situation, I didn’t do the cleanup; definitely, and closed cleanup with the top right cross. I guess it cleaned anyway but not just cleaned, took out the net. It has happened before.

        I think the system settles down,a week or so after a restore, and cleanup can be used, but it is all unstable due to there being a Windows.old which will not be ousted and will only go of its own accord in nine days. But I am only guessing…

        Microsoft have withdrawn the Windows 10 installer which I used…

  9. Bo

    December 11, 2015 at 10:30 am

    I have been trying to get rid of a lot of their crappy programs but the last update installed them again. Who uses crap like EDGE,IE11,mediaplayer, Wordpad etc? Not me. A lot of theese updates is for all this programs I don¨t use and how can they make my computer more secure. I also lost some programs.

  10. Keith Wilkinson

    December 12, 2015 at 5:51 am

    I had to go back to an image dated 3 December 15 because KB3116900 finally broke my system. I set updates for a metered connection so as to stop updates although I know I am not going to get away with this for long.

    Windows update revised its updates for me and they looked hopeful so I (foolishly) pressed Install.
    After a restart my net connection was of course gone, but I didn’t realize troubleshooter was working on it. I was preparing to pull out the hard disk yesterday morning when I was amazed to find my net connection working.

    My update history now shows 24 updates on the 11/12/15. 14 failed to install and 10 installed. Update will push those fourteen to me again.

    The system yesterday and today works perfectly as it did when KB3116908 came on the scene. But I am sure Windows Update is circling around and my chariot is going to be burned any minute. The best system I’ve had is going to an early grave and there is nothing I can do to prevent it.

    I used my time online yesterday to order a new 8.1 system and it is on its way. Should I let 10 into it?

    Will business users stand for such a fiasco?

    • Joe

      December 12, 2015 at 10:31 am

      It may be an incompatability problem with your motherboard. Is it a common mainstream motherboard? eg a Sabertooth or Gigabye Gaming etc? If it’s an old or relatively unknown motherboard then they mightn’t have gotten around to making it completely compatible, yet.. Did you try installing drivers and updating the bios from the motherboard manufacturer?

  11. Keith Wilkinson

    December 13, 2015 at 2:32 am

    It is a Toshiba P500-1DX about four years old, bought with Windows 7 installed. I did update the bios once but possibly three years ago, nevertheless I believe it is the most recent available.

    What I have changed is the hard disk. After the November update I decided to try an SSD. I made mistakes cloning so decided to do a clean install on the SSD with the Windows 10 installer made available at the time of the November update. I expected this would be an improvement and the installation is much smaller. I have had trouble throughout building of the system with the net connection dropping; not instantly, but at the next startup it is gone and impossible to retrieve except by using a restore point or an image backup. I had to restore quite a few times. The new SSD has had a hard life.

    My guess now is that Windows Update is somehow not aware that this is new installation rather than a modified windows 7 installation. It would appear to me now that my new installation didn’t need either of the cumulative updates 3115908 or 3116900 and that they got forced on it with no means of rejection, and the system was thereby broken. I do not see how I could have prevented this happening.

    When I went back to the 3Dec15 image the 3115908 update was listed as ready to install, but while I watched it was removed from the list and 3116900 was offered among others. Since I new that 3116900 would break the system again I used windows show hide tool to remove it from the list then let the others attempt to install. As I said ten of those went in but the failed installs were all tried twice so there were actually only seven rather fourteen. The show hide tool apparently called in Windows Troubleshooter that eventually informed me it had made alterations to the system, and I didn’t help because during the work I could see my computer was going crazy with no explanation and shut it down.

    I am going to have to let Windows Update look at my system but I don’t know if it has been revised. If it can’t recognise a new Windows 10 installation and act accordingly then my system is toast. In that event I won’t be complementing Microsoft.

  12. John

    December 13, 2015 at 1:03 pm

    Now I’ve been trying to get some help with this for a while. After updating from Windows 10 to Windows 10 pro. I updated a Cumulative patch. don’t remember which one it was currently. Ever since then I’ve run into the following and thought maybe someone here could help

    1st. BSOD Driver IRQL not less or equal to(netio.sys)

    Now I am being told from various sources that this here is because one of my drivers needs to be Updated. Problem with that there is ALL of my drivers in the system have been updated to the latest drivers before I installed windows 10 this includes Network drivers, graphics card drivers etc etc.

    2nd. when I try to left click on the windows icon or the “search the web and Windows” box in the lower left corner I get nothing at all. It worked fine before I went to pro and did the cumulative upgrade. I can right click on one or the other and it will bring up a drop down box which will allow me to chose from a few things other then that there nothing they arey dead.

    Once again I’ve tried everything to find an answer. Even the MS site and nothing they told me worked. Heck had one MS guy tell me “You know you have to left click on them for them to work.” And seen that and thought to myself & this genius is MS certified lord help us.

    Tried using going back via restore point all that did was wipe out all my bookmarks. Though of doing a re-install and selecting keep my files but won’t do it cause before you select the final ok it list the files you will have to re-install and it’s almost all of my files on my hd including all my drivers.

    only other option I’ve got is to wipe the drive copy my Windows 7 drive back over to the one that I’ve got 10 on now and then re download and install 10 if it will let me do so. If anyone at all can help me out I’d really appreciate it.

    I’m currently running Windows 10pro version 1511(os build 10586.29)

    Thanks in advance.


  13. Keith Harley

    December 14, 2015 at 9:30 am

    Just had the KB3116900 update. Now I get a message that my screen saver can no longer work and I must get a new video card. Maybe MS should pay for it! No other issues noticed yet. I have an Asus P450C with Win 10 Pro upgraded from Win 7 Pro about 1.5 yrs. old. Any suggestions?

  14. Kato

    December 15, 2015 at 3:22 pm

    After installing the update I had a problem with my Bluetooth Headphones. Driver error is what I was getting. I uninstalled update and no problem. I resinstalled update and now the Bluetooth connects but when I open a program that has sound that uses the Bluetooth headphones it freezes on me.

  15. Joe Sexton

    December 15, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    I have Windows 10 Build 10586.29.

    Microsoft Store would not open before, and doesn’t open now. I have tried several “fixes”, no of which has worked.

    What now?

  16. Michael Fitzgerald

    December 19, 2015 at 12:58 pm

    When I updated the Microsoft patch KB 3116900 my print spooler stopped working. Tried several manual tweeks, turning it off and on, checking all dependencies. Also tried removing and reloading the printer/scanner several times–nothing is working!

    • Sherry Sailor

      December 20, 2015 at 8:53 am

      Michael Fitzgerald, I have the same problem with my printer. Interestingly, I can go in through the Devices / Printer and actually ask it to scan something, and it did (weirdly), but it was at least communicating with the printer. But all attempts to scan or print through normal mechanisms, even just a simple text document, result in “unable to communicate with the printer”. I have followed both Windows printer troubleshooter and Lexmark’s. It was working fine before. Printer is Lexmark 2600. I hate being on the bleeding edge!

  17. Joe Sexton

    December 19, 2015 at 7:36 pm

    It seems like there are more problems than there are solutions. And what solutions there are seem only to work for some, but not for all. This is progress?

  18. Jordan

    December 30, 2015 at 2:19 am


    i installed these updates and now i get an error on boot on my windows 10 machine. its a HP 650, error code 0x0000007b . So at the minute its stuck in a loop and i dont know what to do next. Is there any fixes on here anywhere? or does anyone know where to start? its looking like i need to wipe my machine :/

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