
Steampunk Xbox 360 Bullet Controller

There is a person on that actually replaces the buttons in Xbox 360 controllers with real fired 9 mm bullet buttons. Continue reading to find out more.

Does the title sound funny? Well, wait until you find out what it’s all about. You can actually buy an Xbox 360 controller that has bullets instead of buttons.

steampunk xbox 360 bullet buttons controller

Are you a steampunk fan? Then you’re so gonna love this!

There is a person on that actually replaces the buttons in Xbox 360 controllers with real fired 9 mm bullet buttons.

He shoots the shells with his gun and then places them in the controller. The funny part is that the thing actually claims to work just like a regular Xbox 360 controller (at least that’s what the manufacturer says).

Now, I see no reason why the buttons wouldn’t work, but the 4-way axis might be a little odd to use.

Nevertheless, if you want one of these, it’s available here, for $67.89. The same person will also do just the buttons or customize your own controller with this interesting detail.

On the other hand, if you prefer a more regular controller, try the new chrome ones from Microsoft.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. RPG Guy

    May 17, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    Wierd. Etsy has all kinds of stuff like this.

    Isn’t Etsy going international soon? I heard it is launching a whole new website for global indie arts and crafts manufacturers.

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