
Friday Fun: Steam for Mac and Free Portal Giveaway [groovyFriday]

Valve just launched Steam for Mac.  In the Mac gaming community, this is what you would call a HUGE freaking deal.  The launch of this platform will go down infamous in history, not only because of happy Mac users but because they’re giving out free copies of Portalto EVERYONE.  Also thanks to their new SteamPlay system, when you buy a game once, you’ve just bought it for all available OS versions.

Steam is now available on Mac and Portal is temporarily free

To promote the new Steam platform for Mac, Valve is allowing anyone with a steam account to “purchase” Portal free.  That’s right, no trial, no expiration, no strings attached.  Once you add Portal to your steam account, it’s yours, free, forever.  Steam doesn’t care if you are using Windows or Mac, they just want to give you some free Portal action. The only catch (if you could call it one) is that you only have until May 24th to add it to your Steam account.  After that, it’s going back up to its regular retail price.

If you’re on a Mac, you can download steam Here.

What is Portal?

What is Portal!!? What kind of question is that!?  Well if you haven’t heard of it yet, Portal is a first-person action and puzzle game unlike any other out there.  It has won over 70 game of the year awards and voted “the most influential game of the decade.”

You wake up in a lab; you don’t who you are, where you are, or how you got there.  The only other presence of human resemblance is a computer voice which broadcasts to you over a built-in intercom system.  You get a gun that doesn’t shoot bullets – it shoots portals.

portal game screenshot puzzle

As you progress through the game, you find new and creative ways to use your new Portal Gun to complete obstacles and experiment with physics in ways you would never have thought of before.  With portals, left is right and right is left, but left is still left. Make sense?  Didn’t think so, but it works!

portal wall dilemna, left is right and right is left.

There are a lot of obstacles: lava, pits of death, crushing walls, sentry guns, etc.  However, the biggest challenge will be not to get lost following the only other person in the lab, yourself.

chase yourself or fall through portals that never end

Progress through the game and uncover the reasons behind why you’re in this lab, where the Portal technology came from, and most importantly, the truth about the cake.

uncover the truth, is the cake a lie?

Don’t miss out.  Portal will only be free until May 24.  So Click the button below and go get it.

Download Portal for Windows Or Mac

In case you missed the giant red button, Download Portal For Mac or Windows here.

Steam for Mac currently doesn’t have ALL of the available Windows games, but they do already have 64 titles.  Currently, they are in the process of converting Team Fortress 2 and other big ticket items.

Steam Games Available On Mac

TriJinx: A Kristine Kross Mystery
World of Goo
Zuma Deluxe
Sid Meier’s Civilization IV
And Yet It Moves
Escape Rosecliff Island
Civilization IV: Warlords
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
Sid Meier’s Civilization: Colonization
Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Complete Edition
BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity
Diaper Dash®
Football Manager 2010
Bob Came in Pieces
Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse
Galcon Fusion
Toki Tori
Valerie Porter and the Scarlet Scandal
Parking Dash
The Nightshift Code
Nightshift Legacy: The Jaguar’s Eye
Mahjong Roadshow
Hotel Dash Suite Success
DinerTown Detective Agency
Fitness Dash
Gemini Lost
Atlantis Sky Patrol
Fairway Solitaire
Professor Fizzwizzle and the Molten Mystery
Unwell Mel
My Tribe
Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack
Wandering Willows
Wedding Dash 2: Rings Around the World
Dream Chronicles: The Chosen Child
Diner Dash: Hometown Hero
Cooking Dash
Chocolatier: Decadence by Design
LUXOR: Mah Jong
The Dig
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
City of Heroes: Architect Edition
Peggle Nights
Luxor 3
Peggle Deluxe
Bejeweled 2 Deluxe
Bookworm Deluxe
Chuzzle Deluxe


Have a groovy Friday and enjoy playing Portal without dipping into your wallet, not even for one penny.

Already played Portal? Post what you thought of it in the comments below, or if you’re a Mac user let us know what you think about the new Steam platform!

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. MrGroove

    May 20, 2010 at 6:15 pm

    One of the really awesome things about STEAM on the MAC is that if you buy a game on the PC, you can play it on the MAC also. So basically, buy a game and play it on any platform. That’s very very cool…

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