
Webstagram Lets You View Instagram Photos on Your Computer

Instagram is a great way to take pictures and customize how they look with a variety of filters. Using it on a smartphone is quite easy. But what if you want to view your Instagram feed on your computer? Enter Webstragram.

Instagram is a great way to take pictures and customize how they look with a variety of filters. Using it on a smartphone is quite easy. But what if you want to view your Instagram feed on your computer? Enter Webstragram.


If you’re using Google Chrome, my colleague Hammad Saleem has a great article about an extension which allows you to do just that.

For the rest of us, and Chrome users that don’t want to install another extension, check out Webstagram. Go to the Webstagram website and click Login.

webstagram main

Then log in with your Instagram account username and password.

webstagram login

Then give the app permission to work with your Instagram account.

webstagram authorize

You can then follow the company on Twitter or just go to the main page.

webstagram main page

Now you’ll be able to see your feed and pictures that are popular on Instagram, as well as your photos, the photo of the day and pictures you’ve liked.

I liked the fact that clicking a picture will get you to the larger version, which you can easily download in various sizes.

webstagram download sizes

Also clicking the name of the filter under the sizes (Lo-Fi in my picture above) performs a search for pictures using said filter. Of course searching Instagram for photos is also possible.

webstagram search

All in all, Webstragran is great tool if you’re an Instagram addict. If you want to download your photos from Instagram, check out another free service called Instaport.

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