
How to Use Apple Music Charts


Do you ever wonder what everyone else is listening to? Use Apple Music charts to find popular music more quickly. This guide explains how.

Keeping track of all the latest music releases can be hard work. With so many different genres of music out and new music appearing all the time, it’s easy to miss out on some of the best music out there.

If your FOMO is kicking in because you’re concerned that there are songs everyone else is listening to that you’re not, help is at hand. Apple Music contains charts that contain all the most popular songs being played on the service. The list is updated daily, so you never need to worry about missing out on the latest new music. Here’s how to use Apple Music charts to find the hottest music on the streaming service.

What Are Apple Music Charts?

Apple Music charts are collections of the most popular music played by subscribers to the streaming service. There is a huge collection of charts available, with the top 100 global tracks updated daily, as well as the top 100 charts for a wide range of different countries. If you want to get more granular, you can find the top 25 charts for specific cities, both in your own country and around the world.

You can also find lists of the top playlists, the top albums, and the top videos on the service. You can even narrow these results to a specific genre of music to find the most popular music in your favorite niche.

It’s a useful way to find the music that other people are listening to and could help you discover music you’d not heard before.

How to Use Apple Music Charts

Apple Music charts aren’t particularly easy to find within the Apple Music app, so you may not have stumbled across them. They’re easy to find, however, once you know how.

  1. Open the Apple Music app.
  2. Tap the Search icon at the bottom of the screen.
    apple music search
  3. Scroll down and select Charts.
    apple music charts category
  4. You’ll see a list of the top songs for your country under Top Songs.
    apple music charts top songs
  5. Beneath that are city charts starting with cities in your country (listed under City Charts).
    apple music charts local cities
  6. Scroll left, and you’ll see city charts for cities in other countries.
    apple music charts popular cities
  7. If you want to see all of the available city charts, tap the City Charts option.
    apple music charts city charts
  8. The entire selection of city charts is listed, with local and popular city charts appearing first, and then the remainder in alphabetical order.
    apple music charts cities by name
  9. Tap Back to return to the main Charts page.
    apple music charts back
  10. Below City Charts are the Daily Top 100 charts. You can find the top 100 songs worldwide and for your country.
    apple music charts daily top 100 global
  11. If you scroll left, you find the daily top 100 for a range of other countries.
    apple music charts top 100 popular
  12. To see all the daily top 100 charts, tap Daily Top 100.
    apple music charts daily top 100
  13. The page gives some local and popular daily top 100 charts first and then lists the remainder in alphabetical order.
    apple music charts top 100 countries
  14. Tap Back to return to the main page.
    apple music charts back
  15. Beneath the daily top 100 charts, you’ll find the Top Playlists, Top Albums, and Top Videos.
    apple music charts top playlists
  16. If you want to narrow down these results to a specific genre, tap All Genres in the top-right of the screen.
    apple music charts all genres
  17. Select one of the genres.
    apple music charts choose genre
  18. You’ll now see the Top Songs, Top Albums, and Top Videos just for that specific genre.
    apple music charts hip hop
  19. To return to showing all genres, tap the Genre option in the top-right.
    apple music charts genre
  20. Select All Genres.
    apple music charts all genres
  21. You can now see the default Charts page again.

Using Apple Music

Learning how to use Apple Music charts allows you to quickly find new and popular music. It can even narrow down your search to your favorite genres. It can be quite interesting to find out what people in local cities are listening to, as well as check out some of the music that’s popular in other cities or countries.

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