News Shutting Down After Huffington Post-AOL Merger

imageIt came as a surprise, and at first I thought it was a late-April Fool’s joke.  But alas, it is all true.  The popular tech news site “DownloadSquad” as well as are officially being canned by Ariana Huffington.  Despite the fact the blog gets loads of traffic and is very profitable, part of the new Huffington plan is to shut down anything that might compete with their larger blogs: Engadget, HuffingtonPost Tech, and Joystiq.

When it comes to tech blogs there are two sides. In one hand you have good blogs with useful content and great editorial.  On the other side, you have blogs that just link to another site and change the headlines around; posting a sensationalist title that is designed only to bring in hits.  DownloadSquad was the former, and it was a bright light among a jungle of spammy content farms.

I’m awe struck that the site is being shut down.  It was one of my personal favorites and one of the few sites that didn’t have one single bad writer.  The archive of published material will stay online indefinitely, as well as their social media accounts.  But, there won’t be any new content from DownloadSquad ever again as posted by Thomas Houston and confirmed by Sebastian Anthony.

On the bright side this inspires great fervor in the team here at groovyPost!  With one of the greatest sources for news and software on the net now gone, we’ll try our best to rise to the occasion.  We’re more dedicated to provide people with great reviews, news, and how to articles on more topics than ever before.



  1. mavourneen s

    April 12, 2011 at 8:31 pm

    wow, I visit Downloadsquad daily and haven’t even had a chance to go to the site today. This is kind of saddening, they are a really good tech blog and this may hurt the merger in the long run…

  2. groovinJackman

    April 13, 2011 at 3:43 am

    *pours one out*

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