
How to Modify The Delay Of Aero Peek In Windows 7

Groovy Windows 7 Tutorials, Help, How-To, Solutions, Fixes, Tweaks, Tricks, Tips, and ArticlesIf you have a lot of applications open in Windows 7, Aero Peek makes for a pretty nice feature if you need to find something on the desktop.  By default, Aero Peek has a four-second delay which seems a little long considering that the button for it is tucked all the way in the corner where you will rarely accidentally “hover” it.  With this registry fix, we can shorten up the Aero Peek delay as much as we like!

Important Note: Improperly modifying the registry can lead to some severe problems with Windows 7.  Please be sure you know what you are doing, or just follow this groovy how-to!

How To Change The Delay Time For Aero Peek Desktop Preview

1. Click the Windows Start Menu Orb and then Type in regeditPress Enter or Click the regedit program link.

open regedit in windows 7

2. Regedit should open up; now you need to browse to the following registry key:


browse to the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerAdvanced windows 7 registry key

3. Right-Click the Advanced key and Select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.

create a new dword 32-bit in windows 7

4. On the right panel name the new DWORD that appears DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime.  Next, Right-Click the newly created DWORD and Select Modify.

name your new DWORD and modify it in windows 7


5. In the DWORD window that appears, Click the Decimal radio button, then Type in the number of milliseconds that you would like the Aero Peek delay to be.  A good number that I like is 2500.  Click OK when done.

adjust the dword properties to Decimal and value data to 2500 for windows 7 DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime

All that’s left is to restart the computer for changes to take effect.

Now when you hover the mouse over the Aero Peek button, it will display a live desktop preview substantially faster.  Enjoy those groovy seconds you’ve saved!

windows 7 aero peek screenshot

If later you want to return the Aero Peek delay to default Windows settings just delete the DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime DWORD.


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