
How to Make a Public Profile on Snapchat


Public profiles on Snapchat give you greater exposure and the chance to reach more users. Here’s how to make a public profile on Snapchat

Snapchat is a hugely popular social media app that allows you to send text messages or photos that automatically disappear after a short period of time. It’s a great way to share stuff with friends and family, but you can also share your content with the wider world if you so wish.

Public profiles allow you to post content that is discoverable by anyone on Snapchat and offer a range of features to help you get your account noticed. This is helpful if you want to grow your public profile on Snapchat.

What is a Public Profile on Snapchat?

Many people just use Snapchat as a way to share images and messages with their friends. For some, however, Snapchat is a platform to create content that they want to put out to a wider audience. Some businesses also use Snapchat as a promotional tool.

That’s where public profiles come in. A public profile on Snapchat allows your content to be discovered by people outside your friends and contacts, and also grants you additional profile features to help your profile really stand out.

What are the Benefits of a Public Profile?

As well as making your profile visible to a wider audience, a public profile will include:

  • A bio
  • Your business location
  • Your business type
  • A subscribe option
  • A website link

On a public profile, you can post content including:

  • Public stories
  • Highlights of your best photos, videos, and stories
  • Snapchat Lenses that you’ve developed
  • Shopping links to your ecommerce store

It’s also possible to separate your friend’s list from the list of people who are subscribed to your public profile so that you don’t get them mixed up. You can also access statistics about the reach of your content, the demographics of the people that watch it, the number of views and view time, and even which age range your public profile is most popular with.

Am I Eligible for a Public Profile on Snapchat?

When public profiles were first introduced, they were only available for verified accounts such as celebrities and brands. Now, however, almost anyone can create a public profile.

The only restrictions are:

  • You must be 18 or over
  • Your account must have been created more than 24 hours ago.

As long as you meet these criteria, you will be able to create a public profile for your Snapchat account.

How to Make a Public Profile on Snapchat

You can create your public profile directly from your phone with just a few clicks. Once it’s set up, you can then edit it to make it more attractive to potential subscribers. The method to create your public profile is slightly different depending on whether you’re using iOS or Android.

To Create a Snapchat Public Profile on iPhone or iPad

  1. Open Snapchat.
  2. Tap on your Profile icon.
    snapchat profile iphone
  3. Scroll down to the Public Profile section and tap Create Public Profile.
    create public profile iphone
  4. Tap Get Started.
    snapchat get started
  5. Read the disclaimer, and if you are happy to proceed, tap Create.
    snapchat create
  6. You should now find yourself back at the settings page. Under Public Profiles it should now say My Public Profile. Tap on this to view your public profile.
    snapchat my public profile
  7. Anything you post in this profile will be visible to everybody.

To Create a Snapchat Public Profile on Android

  1. Open Snapchat.
  2. Tap the Profile icon.
    snapchat profile
  3. Under Spotlight & Snap Map, tap the three dots icon next to Add to Spotlight.
    snapchat three dots
  4. Tap Create Public Profile.
    snapchat create public profile
  5. You’ll see information about your name appearing on any Spotlight and Snap Map snaps you create. Tap Continue if you’re happy to proceed.
    snapchat continue
  6. Tap Get Started.
    snapchat get started
  7. Read the disclaimer and if you are happy to proceed, tap Create.
    snapchat create
  8. You will return to the settings page. You should now see a new section headed Public Profiles. Tap My Public Profile to view your public profile.
    snapchat my public profile
  9. Anything you post in this profile will be visible to everybody.

Once you’ve created your public profile, you can edit it to make it more appealing to potential subscribers. You can now use the Highlights and Lenses tabs to create high-quality content to draw in more views.

Get More from Snapchat

Learning how to make a public profile on Snapchat allows you to get your content out to a much wider audience beyond your friends and family. The better the content you create, the more subscribers you’re likely to gain.

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