
Alert: Get Out of Your Sprint Wireless Contract With No ETF Charges

Ready to get out of your Sprint contract with no penalties? I’ve been waiting for my chance and guess what, I think I just found a way!

Ready to get out of your Sprint contract with no penalties? I’ve been waiting for my chance and guess what, I think I just found a way!

If you look at your February Sprint bill via your online account that there has been a Discount Policy Change Notice.  Fortunately for us, this change in policy constitutes a material change in our Sprint contracts.

Who does this affect?

  • Family Plans
  • Corporate Share Plans
  • NOT individual lines (only 1 person and number on the account). You can still try but it probably won’t work.

Important sprint bill information

How exactly is my contract changing?

The plan (line 1) is going from $129.99 to $110.00 per month, and the second line will now be charged $19.99 per month. The money you pay will be the same unless you have a company discount.  Even if you don’t have a discount, this still may constitute a material change in all family plan and corporate plan contracts and you might still get out ETF free.

If you do have a company discount, the discount will no longer affect the 2nd line, even if both lines belong to people applying for the discount. So the 25% discount is no longer off of $129.99 ($32.50), it will only be 25% off of $110.00 ($27.50) thus giving you a total bill increase of $5 per month. While this might not seem like a lot to you, it’s enough to get you out of your contract. Sprint is also making a killing if you multiply the $5 increase times the number of customers affected by this.

What is the deadline?

Within 30 days of receiving your first invoice showing an increase because of this change. But, as a courtesy, Sprint allows up to 45 days from the bill date, so the final eligibility day is 4/15/2012 for customers with a 2/28 billing cycle end date.

Why no ETF (early termination fee)?

As per the Sprint Terms & Conditions:

Our Right To Change The Agreement & Your Related Rights
We may change any part of the Agreement at any time, including, but not limited to, rates, charges, how we calculate charges, discounts, coverage, technologies used to provide services, or your terms of Service. We will provide you notice of material changes—and we may provide you notice of non-material changes—in a manner consistent with this Agreement (see “Providing Notice To Each Other Under The Agreement” section). If a change we make to the Agreement is material and has a material adverse effect on Services under your Term Commitment, you may terminate each line of Service materially affected without incurring an Early Termination Fee only if you: (a) call us within 30 days after the effective date of the change; and (b) specifically advise us that you wish to cancel Services because of a material change to the Agreement that we have made. If you do not cancel Service within 30 days of the change, an Early Termination Fee will apply if you terminate Services before the end of any applicable Term Commitment.

How to

Dial *2 on your Sprint phone and talk to customer service.  Speak to a service representative and tell them you want to cancel your account due to material changes to the contract.  You may have to transfer to a supervisor or manager, my normal (outsourced, poor English speaking) rep was unable to help me and simply tried to talk me in loops and justify that it’s “only a small change.”

Alternatively, you can use the online chat at:

If  *2 isn’t working, or you aren’t on your Sprint phone.
Try one of these numbers:

  • (866) 727-0665 – direct line to escalation operator, ask for executive customer service
  • (866) 866-7509 – same as dialing *2
  • (800) 927-2199

While on the phone with the representative be sure to ask for:

  • The employee’s name and number
  • The final date to be ported out before being billed an additional month.  This is different from your final no-ETF eligibility date!

Where do I port my number to?

Tired of paying too much for cellular service?  Read our guide on how to Stop Paying Outrages Prices for Cell Service in the U.S.


Once you’ve successfully ported out your numbers, be sure to call back and confirm that your account is closed, there are no left-over lines open, and your ETF’s were waived.



  1. Gary Langer

    March 3, 2012 at 12:43 pm

    Has anyone checked this out?

    • Geronimo

      March 3, 2012 at 9:48 pm

      Yes! It worked. Although I wanted to stay on Sprint, so instead I was able to talk to a supervisor and get my FULL phone upgrade dates moved to NOW.

      I told them, I don’t like the new changes but I do like new phones. I can cancel and go to Verizon, then come back and get my free upgrades, or you can just give me my upgrades right now and skip the whole switch to Verizon. Because, if I go to Verizon there is a chance I will decide to stick with them for the next two years instead of coming back.

      The end result? 2 brand new Galaxy SII phones for under $100 each. My contract is now restarted, but I wanted to stick with Sprint anyways so it works for me.

    • I wish it worked for me

      March 26, 2012 at 10:36 am

      It did not work for me, they told me it did not constitute a material change for me because the total bill was the same. I have a family share plan and no discounts. I was on the phone with them for about an hour or more trying to explain to them that someone else pays my bill and I have an agreement where I’m only responsible for what’s specifically under my number and now that has increased by $20 and i can not afford it. They offered me a FIVE DOLLAR reduction in my bill, and I told them that was not enough. They refused to waive the ETF of $150 per line. I can’t wait to get out of Sprint and just go to prepaid.

      • Phillip F.

        March 28, 2012 at 9:04 am

        I’d try again, and keep trying until they go through with it. It can all depend on the customer service rep you talk to.

    • Michael Banks

      April 29, 2013 at 6:08 pm

      I just told them they voided my contract when they failed to be able to provide service. Then I dared them to report to a credit agency I owed them a penny so I can sue the ^*$*^% out of them.
      I am just amazed how poorly run Sprint is and How amazingly stupid the people are that work there……just do not see how they stay in business.

  2. Happy

    March 4, 2012 at 8:36 pm

    I wanted to personally thank you for writing this post! We bought 3 new iPhone 4s with Sprint the first day they were out. We have regretted that decision about 6 weeks into the agreement. We were with TMO and ATT prior. Well, after non-stop data and cellular connection issues in the DC metro area – and the lack of customer service from Sprint – your posts gave us our out! We have been calling Sprint daily and they were blaming all of the connectivity issues on the hardware. Apple, of course, was blaming the Sprint network. Apple finally swapped the phones out for us. Upon leaving the store – we started getting the same “Unable to connect to cellular data network” messages. We came back from the Apple store and I did a google search to see if others have been able to get out of their Sprint contract. And your post did the trick. We spoke with about 4 representatives tonight and they have now agreed that we can get out without paying a cent. We have already ordered the new iPhones on ATT and will be picking them up at the Apple store tomorrow evening. In addition, we are selling the Sprint versions we have on a recycle website and are 100% financially whole. The only thing we are out is almost 3 months of horrible cell and data service with Sprint. So, thanks again for the post! IT WORKED PERFECTLY!

  3. josh curtis

    March 7, 2012 at 3:04 pm

    this works i did it. they let me out of my contract no problem.
    had the family plan with a employer discount.

  4. Josh

    March 16, 2012 at 9:01 am

    This isnt working for me. i have a family plan but no employer discount and they keep telling me that I cant cancel. I didnt think a contract could be changed unless both parties agree? I dont agree with the changes and im not a fan of sprints service. I was told by the rep at my store that its was great and data was fast and what not. It was good until my 14 day return period was up. On the 15th day everything went to crap. Dropped calls extremely slow data or none at all. I called and tried to find out what was wrong and tried to return the phones but i would have to pay a etf. Needless to say ive been looking for a way out since then and now more than ever bc i just got laid off from work. Can anyone give me some advice on how to cancel without paying the etf?

  5. Ed

    March 16, 2012 at 12:28 pm

    I have a family plan with 4 lines and corporate discount, will they waive ETF on all phones?
    I got all 4 phones when I signed up with Sprint in January 2012.
    Service is horrible so this is my out for sure.

  6. John

    March 19, 2012 at 8:42 pm

    So I tried today and they said that they won’t allow a free cancellation in a 45 day period, only 30. Anything I can cite to suggest to them otherwise?

  7. Bye_Sprint!

    March 20, 2012 at 2:41 pm

    It took an 8 minute call with a rep and supervisor. Rep offered me a $4.99 monthly credit for 2 years to stay…. ha, no thanks. I signed up with Sprint in January 2012 with 4 lines. ALL ETF’s were waived. I documented the names and have a confirmation number from the supervisor about the ETFs waived. Sweet… now where to go is the question!!!

    • Josh

      March 20, 2012 at 4:44 pm

      Can you give me some insight on how to make this work? I’ve tried and failed several times. I really need this to work lol. I just got laid off from my work and can’t afford the added expense. So of you could help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks josh.

  8. Ed

    March 21, 2012 at 4:41 am

    It works if you have a contract with corporate discount. The change in T&C changed the contract I signed up for. So this allows me to stiff Sprint with the ETF.

  9. Cort

    March 22, 2012 at 7:31 pm

    Help, I noticed that on my bill and called in, they told me I had 45 days BOTH times I called in, which the guy told me 3/27/12 would be my 45 day mark. Right now I got off the phone with Sprint, just checking up on everything. The A-hole told me that I only had 30days and now I can’t get out. I am SOOOOO UPSET. He then transferred me to a supervisor and she didn’t answer (go figure) so I left a message.. AND OF COURSE there are NO notes on my file (um ya right). I know they record the phone calls, so can’t I tell them to look it up… And I would have already canceled with Sprint, but I am waiting on our new phones to get here, one just came last night…. EHHHHHHHH HELP!!!!

  10. Cort

    March 22, 2012 at 7:32 pm

    Help, I noticed that on my bill and called in, they told me I had 45 days BOTH times I called in, which the guy told me 3/27/12 would be my 45 day mark. Right now I got off the phone with Sprint, just checking up on everything. The A-hole told me that I only had 30days and now I can’t get out. I am SOOOOO UPSET. He then transferred me to a supervisor and she didn’t answer (go figure) so I left a message.. AND OF COURSE there are NO notes on my file (um ya right). I know they record the phone calls, so can’t I tell them to look it up… And I would have already canceled will Sprint, but I am waiting on our new phones to get here, one just came last night…. EHHHHHH HELP!!!!

  11. Cort

    March 22, 2012 at 8:39 pm

    Okay so called again and asked to listen to my recording of my past conversation with the rep, the guy told me they could pull it up, but he needed to transfer me. When I was transferred I told the lady that I wanted to listen to the conversation. She then asked why, I told her everything, and conveniently she told me she couldn’t pull up the recording. Shortly after she told me I have until the end of this bill cycle, which will end April 8th to cancel without any fees, but I have to send my phones back. I argued with her, letting her know that they can’t do that, they voided the contract and we paid for our phones. I asked her if she would reimburse me the money I paid for the phones and she told me no (WOW really sprint, you’re really trying to screw people over). She then proceeded to tell me that the fees wouldn’t be waived until I returned the phones. I then informed her again it doesn’t state that in the contract and asked to speak with a supervisor. A minute later she came back to the line, said she spoke with the supervisor and they will waive the fees and I won’t have to return the phone. This time around I took down ALL the information, names, confirmation number, etc. , and asked her to reread her notes to me (note to self, ALWAYS write down information when dealing with customer relations for any product). Well GOODBYE Sprint!!

  12. Dan

    March 26, 2012 at 4:32 pm

    Great info! cancelled today without a problem thanks so so much!!!!!

  13. Jim

    March 27, 2012 at 8:59 pm

    I tried this on the last day to do this with my account and it worked. Thanks

  14. Jack

    March 28, 2012 at 10:42 am

    Does this work on a account with like 40 lines all on Business Advantage message and data plans? I see one went from 89.99 with 16.20 discount to 102.95 with 29.16 discount but they all ended at the same 73.79 price??

  15. Ryan Bischoff

    August 19, 2012 at 7:13 am

    So there are new changes in my August 2012 statment, do these qualify for ETF free cancel:
    “International Data Roaming AccessUpdate Effective 9/1/12, Sprint will disable access to international data roaming unless you request access or you subscribe to an international data plan. You may request immediate access any time by contacting Sprint at 888-226-7212.

    • Jen Del

      August 23, 2012 at 9:02 am

      I’d like out for this too. Anyone with advice?

    • Nancy Adams

      August 23, 2012 at 4:09 pm

      I’d like to know, too as I want OUT of my Sprint contract. They treat long time customers like CRAP.

    • JALinker

      August 24, 2012 at 9:09 am

      Anything on this? I want OUT of my Contract and AWAY from Sprint!!!!

    • Patty Farah-Gonzalez

      August 30, 2012 at 9:25 pm

      know anything on this?

      • Austin Krause

        August 30, 2012 at 9:26 pm

        I’d give it a try and see what happens!

  16. Patty Farah-Gonzalez

    August 30, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    does anyone have any answers about getting out of sprint contract with august 2012 changes??

    • Austin Krause

      August 30, 2012 at 9:27 pm

      There’s only one way to find out! Call them up and see if you can cancel. The worst thing that can happen is you can’t.

  17. Patty Farah-Gonzalez

    August 30, 2012 at 9:26 pm

    anyone have any answers about getting out of sprint contract without etf due to changes taking place Sept 2012???

    • zaven

      September 2, 2012 at 6:43 pm

      can you try ?

    • Cassi

      September 21, 2012 at 10:35 pm

      Have you had any luck with this? I just tried today and they are very adament about not allowing me out of my contract without paying the $350 early termination fee!

  18. Dean

    September 6, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    Wondering if this will work with the new International Roaming change. If it does I could switch to Verizon, grab an S3 and the wife could upgrade to the iphone5 from the 4s. Might have to look in to this more.

  19. aaron

    August 14, 2013 at 8:53 am

    wish this would work now. I need out and i have no idea how to do it.

  20. Brian

    September 12, 2013 at 9:46 am

    Any changes coming this fall that would let me out that anyone knows about? I have been jumping thru one hoop after another with Sprint cs and I’m fed up.

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