
How to Create and Scan Spotify Codes

If you are looking for a unique and easy way to share your favorite songs, podcasts, and other items, you may want to learn how to create and scan Spotify codes. Once you make a code, it can be scanned by your phone or tablet without copying the URL. You can create Spotify codes on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. In addition, if you want to make codes to share tracks on Spotify from the desktop, you can use the desktop app or web version of Spotify.

You can create codes to share songs, albums, artists, playlists, and even your profile. It’s also important to note that free and premium users can create and scan Spotify codes. So, in this guide, we’ll show you how to create and scan Spotify codes to share music and more.

How to Create a Spotify Code on the Desktop

To get things started, we’ll create a Spotify code on the desktop where you can use the desktop app or web version of Spotify.

  1. Find the playlist, song, or other Spotify item you want to share via a code.
  2. Click the three-dot button next to it and select Share > Copy Spotify URI. For example, in this example, we’re sharing an individual track.
    Note: If you don’t see it, hold down Alt on Windows or the Option key on Mac while hovering over the menu.Create and Scan Spotify Codes
  3. Open a browser on your computer and head to the Spotify Codes site.
  4. Paste the Spotify URI you copied from the desktop or web version into the field on the left and click the Get Spotify Code button.get spotify code share music
  5. Agree to the site terms and manage how you would like the code to appear. You can set background color, bar color, size, and image format type. The code’s appearance will reflect your changes in real time.set color appearance spotify code
  6. Once you’re happy with the appearance of the code, click the Download button.Create and Scan Spotify Codes
  7. Your code will be downloaded to your default location, and you can email it, share the code on social media, or publish it on your website. Anyone can see it and scan it to access the shared Spotify item for which you created the code.spotify code downloaded computer

Create a Spotify Code on Your Phone or Tablet

In addition to creating Spotify codes on your desktop, you can create one from your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

  1. Launch the Spotify app on your phone or tablet.Create and Scan Spotify Codes
  2. Locate the item you want to share via a Spotify code and tap the three-dot button next to it. For example, here we are sharing a playlist using a Spotify code.three-dot button spotify playlist
  3. Tap the album art, and the code will be listed beneath it (on Android, tap Show Spotify Code first). To save the code to your phone or your cloud storage service, take a screenshot of the code. Alternatively, you can tap the Save to Photos link beneath the code on your spotify code playlist

How to Scan Spotify Codes

Now that you know how to create a Spotify code, you’ll need to learn to scan them, which is a straightforward process.

  1. Launch the Spotify app on your phone or tablet.Create and Scan Spotify Codes
  2. Tap the Search button from the toolbar at the bottom of the button spotify mobile
  3. Tap the Camera button from the Search screen.spotify camera icon
  4. A short message explaining what Spotify codes are will appear – tap the Scan button.Create and Scan Spotify Codes
  5. Tap OK to give Spotify access to your camera if prompted.give spotify access to camera
  6. Scan the code you (or another person) created, and Spotify will load up the track and begin playing it playing from spotify code
  7. To scan a code already on your phone, tap the Select from photos option under the from photos
  8. Choose the screenshot or code you saved to your phone and select it to begin playing the song, album, podcast, or other shared item.choose photo from phone spotify

Creating and Scanning Spotify Codes

If you are looking for a unique method of sharing songs, podcasts, playlists, artists, and other Spotify items, you can create and scan Spotify codes using the above steps.

Sharing music and more from codes on your desktop is a helpful feature. You can use the desktop app or the web version of Spotify. However, unlike mobile, it does require the extra step of generating a code from the Spotify Codes site. But the process is quick and easy if you want to do it from your phone or tablet.

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