
How to Create an RSVP Event in Gmail and Google Calendar

how to turn off meeting acceptance notifications in Gmail

If you’re creating an event, then you’ll want to know who’s coming. Learn how to create an RSVP event in Gmail and Google Calendar in this guide.

Google Calendar is a great way to keep track of all those important dates such as birthdays and doctors’ appointments, but it can do far more. You can also use it to create events such as a work Zoom or a night out.

Creating the event is simple enough, but how do you tell people about it? The good news is that you can send email invitations to your event from within Google Calendar itself or directly from Gmail. You can even track how each of your invitees responds to the event invitation so that you know who is attending, who can’t make it, and who is still on the fence.

If you want to create an RSVP event in Gmail and Google Calendar, follow these steps.

What is an RSVP Event in Google Calendar?

An RSVP event in Google Calendar is an event that you create and invite people to. This could be for anything from an online meeting to a birthday party. When the recipients receive the invitation, they can respond to it to let the creator know whether they will attend. They can say that they are definitely coming, that they’re definitely not coming, or that they may be coming.

Once the invitee has decided, the event’s creator will receive a notification informing them of their choice. The creator can also see a full list of invitees in their Google Calendar and see all of the RSVP responses.

How to Create an RSVP Event in Google Calendar

You can create an RSVP event directly in Google Calendar and add a list of invitees. By including the invitees’ email addresses, Google Calendar can automatically send out your invites for you.

To create an RSVP event in Google Calendar:

  1. Log in to Google Calendar on your computer.
  2. Click Create.
    google calendar create
  3. Select Event.
    google calendar event
  4. Add a title for your event.
    google calendar add title
  5. Select the date and time.
    google calendar date and time
  6. To add invitees, click Add Guests.
    google calendar add guests
  7. Enter the email addresses of the people that you want to attend. You’ll see suggestions from your contacts and emails when you start typing. Repeat the process to add more invitees.
    google calendar suggested email
  8. Add a location if you wish.
    google calendar add location
  9. You can also add a description for your event or attachments.
    google calendar add description
  10. Finally, select which calendar you want to add the event to if you have more than one.
  11. Click Save.
    google calendar choose calendar
  12. You’ll be asked if you want to send invitation emails to Google Calendar. If you do, click Send. If you don’t, click Don’t Send or select Back to Editing to make changes to your event.
    google calendar send invitations
  13. When the invitees receive their invitations, they can click a link in the email to state whether their response is Yes, No, or Maybe.
  14. The creator will then receive a notification of the invitee’s response. The creator can also see the responses by clicking on the event in Google Calendar.

How to Create an RSVP Event in Gmail

You may already have an email containing all the addresses of the people you want to invite to your event. If so, you can create an RSVP event directly from Gmail. This automatically sends invites to the people the original was sent to and adds the email message to the event description.

To create an RSVP event in Gmail:

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account.
  2. Find an email that includes the email addresses of all the people you want to invite to the event.
  3. Open the email and click the Three Dots icon.
    gmail three dots
  4. Select Create Event.
    google calendar create event
  5. Your Google Calendar will open in a new tab.
  6. The event title will automatically populate with the title of the email. If you want to change it, click on the title and edit it.
    google calendar event title
  7. To change the date, click on the current event date and choose an alternative.
    google calendar date
  8. To change the time, click on the current event time and select an alternative.
    google calendar time
  9. You can add a location if you wish.
    google calendar location
  10. The contents of the original email will appear in the event description. You can edit or remove this if you don’t want to use it.
    google calendar email contents
  11. The people in the original email are automatically added as invitees. You can click Add Guests if you want to add any other people to the event.
    google calendar add guests
  12. Once you’re happy with all of the event details, click Save.
    save google calendar event
  13. You’ll see a message asking you to confirm that you want to send invitation emails. Click Send to send these emails, or Don’t Send if you don’t want invitation emails to go out. You can also click Back to Editing if you want to change your event.
    google calendar send invitations
  14. If you clicked Send, the event will be created in your Google Calendar, and the email invitations will be sent out. The invitees can respond directly to these invitations, and you’ll be notified of their responses.
  15. You can also check the current responses by clicking on the event in your Google Calendar.

Do More With Gmail

Knowing how to create an RSVP event in Gmail and Google Calendar allows you to quickly create events and track who will be attending. You can create these events in Google Calendar or save time and create them in Gmail from an email that already contains the addresses of the people you want to invite.

There are plenty of other useful tips and tricks that can help you to get more out of Gmail. For example, you can learn how to disable Gmail suggested recipients if you’re sick of Gmail suggesting recipients that you’ll never want to use. If your spam folder isn’t doing its job well enough, you can learn how to block an entire domain in Gmail.

If your inbox is a bit of a mess, and you’re worried you may have missed some messages, you can learn how to find unread emails in Gmail.

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